Monero Price

$ 220.11 8.57%
EUR 208.84( +7.63% )
BTC 0.00207659( +2.65% )
Market Cap
$ 4.06 B
Low - High [24H]
$ 217 - $ 236
Vol [24H]
$ 1.81 M
Cur - Max Supply
18.45 M - (infinite)
120 22

Monero Price Today & History Chart:

Monero (launched 2014) is a privacy focused cryptocurrency which is based on Cryptonote technology. Privacy is built in its design by default for all the network participants. The development is currently led by Riccardo Spagni with a few other core protocol developers after splitting from the original Bitmonero project (forked from bytecoin) in 2014.  Monero has unbounded inflation, after emission of 18.132 million monero (May 2022), a constant tail emission of 0.6 XMR every 2 minutes willShow more [+]
RSI (14)
CCI (20)
MACD (12, 26, 9)
Stochastic Fast (14)
Ultimate Oscillator (7, 14, 28)
Williams Percent Range (14)
Momentum (10)
Chaikin A/D Oscillator (3, 10)
SMA (10)
EMA (10)
SMA (20)
EMA (20)
SMA (30)
EMA (30)
SMA (50)
EMA (50)
SMA (100)
EMA (100)
SMA (200)
EMA (200)
ATH (days ago, %% down)
Max drawdown
Winning days
Historical ranking
ROI 3mo
ROI 6mo
ROI 12mo
Volatility 3mo
Volatility 6mo
Volatility 12mo
Sharpe Ratio 3mo
Sharpe Ratio 6mo
Sharpe Ratio 12mo
Social indicators
Twitter followers 205
Reddit users 299K
Reddit active users 274
Developer activity
Contributors 657
Forks 4,178
Watchers 785
Commits (last 30days) 22
Closed issues (last 30days) 109
Monero (XMR) News
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Money flow from/to Monero in the last 24 hours
Monero price per exchange
$ 290K
$ 216.84
$ 280K
USDT 217.47
$ 5,534
฿ 0.00204900
$ 4,283
TUSD 210.64
$ 53
ETH 0.067
$ 212K
$ 220.19
$ 212K
฿ 0.00207733
$ 129K
$ 220.22
$ 129K
USDT 217.82
$ 1.11 M
$ 219.26
$ 992K
USDT 217.49
$ 2,990
USDC 217.88
$ 111K
฿ 0.00205345
* excluded from aggregations
XMR price per currency
$ 1.42 M
USDT 217.69
$ 280K
USDT 217.47
$ 129K
USDT 217.82
$ 992K
USDT 217.49
$ 218K
฿ 0.00207659
$ 212K
฿ 0.00207733
$ 5,534
฿ 0.00204900
$ 111K
฿ 0.00205345
$ 4,283
TUSD 219.38
$ 4,283
TUSD 210.64
$ 2,990
USDC 217.74
$ 2,990
USDC 217.88
$ 53
ETH 0.067
$ 53
ETH 0.067
$ 0
DAI 217.53
$ 0
DAI 222.95
* excluded from aggregations