Numerai Price

$ 14.52 -0.51%
EUR 13.81( +3.94% )
BTC 0.00014865( -36.73% )
Market Cap
Low - High [24H]
$ 14.38 - $ 16.52
Vol [24H]
$ 768K
Cur - Max Supply
1.35 M - 2.30 M
3 0

Numerai Price Today & History Chart:

We don't seem to have any recent trades of this coin in our database. The following chart shows only historical data.
Numerai is an Ethereum token used to build an artificial intelligence backed hedge fund on the blockchain. It uses artificial intelligence to crowdsource stock market prediction models from tens of thousands data scientists worldwide. It was founded by Richard Craib, a name in the Forbes "30 under 30" list and funded by big names in the financial field, like the Union Square Ventures. It holds a machine learning tournament, in which users can stake their tokens and submit their AI models toShow more [+]
RSI (14)
CCI (20)
MACD (12, 26, 9)
Stochastic Fast (14)
Ultimate Oscillator (7, 14, 28)
Williams Percent Range (14)
Momentum (10)
Chaikin A/D Oscillator (3, 10)
SMA (10)
EMA (10)
SMA (20)
EMA (20)
SMA (30)
EMA (30)
SMA (50)
EMA (50)
SMA (100)
EMA (100)
SMA (200)
EMA (200)
ATH (days ago, %% down)
Max drawdown
Winning days
Historical ranking
ROI 3mo
ROI 6mo
ROI 12mo
Volatility 3mo
Volatility 6mo
Volatility 12mo
Sharpe Ratio 3mo
Sharpe Ratio 6mo
Sharpe Ratio 12mo
Social indicators
Twitter followers 34K
Reddit users 4,089
Reddit active users 14
Developer activity
Contributors 73
Forks 225
Watchers 132
Commits (last 30days) 4
Closed issues (last 30days) 1
Numerai (NMR) News
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Numerai price per exchange
$ 5,273
$ 14.38
$ 5,273
USDT 14.39
* excluded from aggregations
NMR price per currency
$ 698K
USDT 14.53
$ 5,273
USDT 14.39
* excluded from aggregations