GoldenRatio Token Preis

$ 0.151 -36.81%
EUR 0.135( -41.78% )
GBP 0.111( -44.84% )
Niedrig - Hoch [24H]
$ 0 - $ 0.139
Vol [24H]
$ 2.01 M
Cur - Max Versorgung
0 - 16K
0 0

GoldenRatio Token Preis heute & Geschichte Diagramm:

GoldenRatioToken (GRT) project is an experiment which has no funding to prove the importance of a quality community in a crypto related project. Our goal is to create value into the project which will flow back into the crypto communityShow more [+]
RSI (14)
CCI (20)
MACD (12, 26, 9)
Stochastisch schnell (14)
Ultimativer Oszillator (7, 14, 28)
Williams-Prozent-Reichweite (14)
Momentum (10)
Chaikin A/D Oszillator (3, 10)
SMA (10)
EMA (10)
SMA (20)
EMA (20)
SMA (30)
EMA (30)
SMA (50)
EMA (50)
SMA (100)
EMA (100)
SMA (200)
EMA (200)
Ath (vor Tagen %% nach unten)
Max. Drawdown
Historisches Ranking
ROI 3mo
ROI 6mo
ROI 12mo
Volatilität 3mo
Volatilität 6mo
Volatilität 12mo
Sharpe Ratio 3mo
Sharpe Ratio 6mo
Sharpe Ratio 12mo
Twitter Follower 1,274
Created with Highstock 6.0.3
Reddit-Benutzer 28
Created with Highstock 6.0.3
Reddit aktive Benutzer 3
Created with Highstock 6.0.3
GoldenRatio Token (GRT) Neuigkeiten
Show more
GoldenRatio Token Preis pro Umtausch
Created with Highstock 6.0.3LbankCoinExBinanceOther
24h Volumen
$ 1.47 M
$ 0.148
$ 1.47 M
USDT 0.140
$ 523K
$ 0.148
$ 523K
USDT 0.140
$ 0
TL 5.110
$ 0
€ 0.137
$ 25K
$ 0.149
$ 25K
USDT 0.141
$ 2,481
$ 0.150
$ 2,481
USDT 0.142
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
₩ 213.00
$ 0
S$ 0.197
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
₹ 12.50
$ 1.01 M
$ 0.151
$ 1.01 M
USDT 0.143
+1 mehr (nicht angezeigt)
* von Aggregationen ausgeschlossen
GRT Preis pro Währung
Created with Highstock 6.0.3USDTTRYOther
24h Volumen
$ 2.82 M
USDT 0.141
$ 1.47 M
USDT 0.140
$ 523K
USDT 0.140
$ 25K
USDT 0.141
$ 2,481
USDT 0.142
$ 1.01 M
USDT 0.143
$ 57K
TL 5.107
$ 0
TL 5.110
$ 2,849
€ 0.135
$ 0
€ 0.137
$ 0
₩ 213.00
$ 0
₩ 213.00
$ 12
S$ 0.192
$ 0
S$ 0.197
$ 9
₹ 11.27
$ 0
₹ 12.50
* von Aggregationen ausgeschlossen