platform aims at revolutionizing the browsing experience by making it faster, ad-free, more reliable, secure and non-trackable, thus marking a groundbreaking change of the Internet. As a result, it adheres to the initial vision ofShow more [+] the World Wide Web of having a decentralized, non-discriminatory and universal way to share information easily and connect people.
Company Tokens: 300,000,000 Tokens with 2 Year Lockout Advisors: 100,000,000 Tokens with 1 to 2 Years Lockout. Released in rounds. Private Sale Investors: 1.103.301.733.11 Tokens released. Private Sale Bonus: 558.902.249.10 Tokens with 1 to 2 Years Lockout. Released in rounds. Public Sale: 146.698.266.93 Tokens released. Public Sale Bonus: Tokens released. Airdrops/Bounty/Affiliate: Tokens released.