B3 Coin is a decentralized community-driven cryptocurrency with a large community scaling over 30,000 members. We are the first to innovate, develop and implement Proof of Disintegration (PoD) successfully into a blockchain, giving birth toShow more [+] the world's first Fundamental Nodes (FNs).
PoD completely destroys coins from the blockchain when a user sends enough coins to create a FN. Reducing circulating/total supply, PoD eliminates the risk of coins re-entering the supply, a significant attribute/innovation over Proof of Burn (PoB) which traditionally accumulates coins in an external wallet, hiding coins from the supply, with the possibility of re-entering at a later date. While PoD only currently works in the creation of FNs, B3 Coin plans to implement more supply reducing features using PoD, such as micro-disintegrations on transactions.
With the release of a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) on the horizon, B3 Coin is positioned to be a unique "supply-disintegration machine". Reducing supply, rewarding FN operators and with a supportive community, our DEX will stand alone with a promising future in the cryosphere.
B3 Coin combines the growing support of it's community, with the success of integrating PoD, and our unique "supply-disintegration machine" of a DEX to be released in the future, B3 Coin will take the lead in anti-inflationary coins.