Founded in 2014, BitBay is decentralized ecommerce platform with special trading features and tools. In addition to unbreakable smart contracts, this platform features a double deposit escrow for added on security, built-in wallet and multi-signature security. The platform allows pay-to-email, cash for coins, barter trade, and reverse auctions.
It further allows exotic spending (time-based contracts like switches, atomic trades and freezes). It is completely trustless, meaning that if itShow more [+] re to collapse, client get to secure their coins. Decentralized voting keeps the platform free from any central authority, while the Tor and Proxy features ensure that users can have absolute anonymity.
BAY is the official coin or currency used on this platform. It is a PoS (Proof-of-Stake) coin with 1% APY staking rewards with unbreakable smart contracts. The coin's ICO (Initial Coin Offering) ended in October 2014, and raised approximately $1.08 million.
The platform is currently maintained by the community, together with its founders and developers. The experts behind this system are lead developer, David Zimbeck, Applications manager, Craig Claussen, Operations Manager, Bjorn Alsos (Munti), recruitment officer Aletha Kellond and web developer Giorgos Kontopoulos among others.