The EdenChain is a blockchain platform aiming to provide a high performance "Programmable Economy Framework" for enterprises. It's developed by a Korean-based team.
It replaces existing assets, such as stocks, bonds, commodities and copyright with blockchain tokens. It can be used by a wide range of businesses and industries. It can also be used to launch an ICO.
It uses the Namespace technology to process independent transactions in parallel, allowing for unlimited transaction ratesShow more [+] EdenChain has a hybrid consensus algorithm, Proof of elapsed time (PoET), an algorithm marketed by Intel that selects a random leader to solve each block and the Median Voter Theorem for continuous data fed to the nodes using the E-oracle servers.
It relies on two types of masternodes: supernodes, that are entirely dedicated to running a dApp, and hypernodes, that carry out transactions running on the main chain and are responsible for approving and governing supernodes. Running a supernode requires 3,000,000 EDNs staked while hypernodes require 20,000,000. As EdenChain relies on cloud services, masternodes are not required to provide computational power to support the blockchain.