Gulden कीमत

$ 0 0%
EUR 0( 0% )
GBP 0( 0% )
बाज़ार आकार
$ 0
निम्न - उच्च [24H]
$ 0 - $ 0
वॉल्यूम [24एच]
$ 0
वक्र - अधिकतम आपूर्ति
415.03 M - 1.68 B
4 1

Gulden मूल्य आज & इतिहास चार्ट:

This project is an untracked listing.
Gulden is a peer-to-peer Dutch national digital currency based on the blockchain. Users can instantly send money to each other and can also easily wire money to any IBAN account. Users can also make payments using the coin to Gulden merchants. Gulden or NLG is a pure Proof-of-Work (PoW) coin using the Scrypt algorithm. Its PoW is enhanced by witnesses on the blockchain holding NLG coins making it PoW2. The coin is premined, with 1% of the premined coins being used for bounties. It is alsoShow more [+]
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अल्टीमेट ऑसिलेटर (7, 14, 28)
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चैकिन ए/डी ऑसिलेटर (3, 10)
एसएमए ({{वैल}})
ईएमए ({{वैल}})
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एसएमए ({{वैल}})
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एथलीट (दिन पहले, %% नीचे)
अधिकतम गिरावट
जीत के दिन
ऐतिहासिक रैंकिंग
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शार्प अनुपात 6mo
शार्प अनुपात 12mo
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बंद मुद्दे (पिछले 30 दिन) 0
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कलन विधि
खनन योग्य
Gulden (NLG) समाचार
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