Haven Protocol Preis

$ 0 0%
EUR 0( 0% )
GBP 0( 0% )
$ 0
Niedrig - Hoch [24H]
$ 0 - $ 0
Vol [24H]
$ 0
Cur - Max Versorgung
7.85 M - 18.40 M
11 2

Haven Protocol Preis heute & Geschichte Diagramm:

This project is an untracked listing.
Haven Protocol is a completely decentralized cryptocurrency of private and stable coins. This protocol is characterized by three main features; Stability, privacy and decentralization. It is completely untraceable having built-in on-chain smart contracts that control the burning and minting of coins. The coins are of cryptographically unknown supply, hence it is possible to burn a given amount and mint an equivalent amount without affecting the stability of the protocol. It also does not have anShow more [+]
RSI (14)
CCI (20)
MACD (12, 26, 9)
Stochastisch schnell (14)
Ultimativer Oszillator (7, 14, 28)
Williams-Prozent-Reichweite (14)
Momentum (10)
Chaikin A/D Oszillator (3, 10)
SMA (10)
EMA (10)
SMA (20)
EMA (20)
SMA (30)
EMA (30)
SMA (50)
EMA (50)
SMA (100)
EMA (100)
SMA (200)
EMA (200)
Ath (vor Tagen %% nach unten)
Max. Drawdown
Historisches Ranking
ROI 3mo
ROI 6mo
ROI 12mo
Volatilität 3mo
Volatilität 6mo
Volatilität 12mo
Sharpe Ratio 3mo
Sharpe Ratio 6mo
Sharpe Ratio 12mo
Twitter Follower 0
Reddit-Benutzer 3,580
Reddit aktive Benutzer 4
Mitarbeiter 3
Gabeln 44
Überwacher 22
Commits (letzte 30Tage) 0
Geschlossene Probleme (letzte 30Tage) 0
Haven Protocol (XHV) Neuigkeiten
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