Bezant cena

$ 0 0%
EUR 0( 0% )
GBP 0( 0% )
Trhová kapitalizácia
$ 0
Nízka - Vysoká [24 h]
$ 0 - $ 0
Vol [24H]
$ 0
Cur - Max Supply
734.35 M - (infinite)
3 0

Bezant Cena dnes & Graf histórie:

This project is an untracked listing. is a decentralized platform used for making instant and reliable payments online. It allows users to get content from all over the world easily and with minimal cost. Bezant also offers blockchain services to firms allowing them to develop applications and other services on the Bezant blockchain hence giving them an ability to control and manage their services. It also allows the firms to make instant payments. Bezant also features an integrated system made of three platforms.Show more [+]
RSI (14)
CCI (20)
MACD (12, 26, 9)
Stochastic Fast (14)
Ultimate oscilátor (7, 14, 28)
Williamsov percentuálny rozsah (14)
hybnosť (10)
Chaikin A/D oscilátor (3, 10)
SMA (10)
EMA (10)
SMA (20)
EMA (20)
SMA (30)
EMA (30)
SMA (50)
EMA (50)
SMA (100)
EMA (100)
SMA (200)
EMA (200)
ATH (pred dňami, %% dole)
Max čerpanie
Víťazné dni
Historický rebríček
ROI 3 mes
ROI 6 mes
ROI 12 mes
Volatilita 3 mes
Volatilita 6 mes
Volatilita 12 mes
Pomer ostrosti 3 mes
Pomer ostrosti 6 mes
Pomer ostrosti 12 mes
Sociálne ukazovatele
Facebook páči 616
nasledovníci na Twitteri 4,105
Používatelia Redditu 217
Aktívni používatelia Reddit 6
Bezant (BZNT) Správy
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