Gemini Dollar Prezzo

$ 0.90 0.00%
EUR 0.84( +0.46% )
WAVES 0.60( 0.00% )
Capitalizzazione di Mercato
$ 42.09 M
Basso - Alto [24H]
$ 0.90 - $ 0.90
Vol [24H]
$ 68K
Cur - Fornitura massima
46.77 M - (infinite)
2 1

Gemini Dollar Grafico Prezzo oggi & Storia:

Gemini Dollar is a platform that allows the transfer of U.S Dollars on the blockchain. It is a cryptographic token that is issued by Gemini Trust Company based in New York. The tokens or Gemini dollars must have a corresponding amount held at State Bank and Trust company. Gemini Dollar incorporates the stability and credit worthiness of the US dollar and the blockchain technology. It also has the backing of U.S regulators making one of a kind stablecoin in the world. It is regulated by the NewShow more [+]
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MACD (12, 26, 9)
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Chaikin A/D Oscillator (3, 10)
SMA (10)
EMA (10)
SMA (20)
EMA (20)
SMA (30)
EMA (30)
SMA (50)
EMA (50)
SMA (100)
EMA (100)
SMA (200)
EMA (200)
ATH (giorni fa, %% verso il basso)
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Classifica storica
ROI 3mo
ROI 6mo
ROI 12mo
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Rapporto di Sharpe 6mo
Rapporto di Sharpe 12mo
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Follower di Twitter 21K
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Forchette 26
Osservatori 14
Commit (ultimi 30 giorni) 0
Problemi di chiusura (ultimi 30 giorni) 0
Gemini Dollar (GUSD) News
Mostra di più
Gemini Dollar prezzo per scambio
$ 0
$ 0.82
$ 0
WAVES 0.60
$ 0
$ 0.90
$ 78K
$ 1.036
$ 78K
$ 1.036
- esclusi dalle aggregazioni
GUSD prezzo per valuta
$ 78K
$ 0.90
$ 0
$ 0.90
$ 78K
$ 1.036
$ 0
WAVES 0.60
$ 0
WAVES 0.60
- esclusi dalle aggregazioni