Solaris is a decentralized open source cryptocurrency focused on
privacy, innovation and the advancement of technology.
Solaris XLR was released on 18th March, 2017. On Saturday, 07 October 2017, at 14:00 UTC the Solaris
blockchainShow more [+] was relaunched. The former Nist5 algorithm was replaced by XEVAN.
XEVAN was founded by the Bitsend developer and has since then proven to be a stable, ASIC resistant
and efficient algorithm. The Xevan hash algorithm is a unique combination from the dual X17
difficulty algorithm with an extension to 128 bits. Solaris has many unique features which
distinguish it from other cryptocurrencies, some of which include a decentralized governance system
which employs masternodes and an 'instant send' feature allowing transactions to be confirmed
Solaris understands that everyone has the right to privacy and so the wallet includes privacy
features that give users the option to perform XLR transactions anonymously. On 16th December 2017,
Solaris wallet with Zerocoin protocol support was released. Zerocoin transactions will be enabled on