
A Step-by-Step Guide to Your Crypto Payment Gateway Integration

Once viewed with scepticism, digital currencies are now heralded as the next frontier in the financial realm, presenting both challenges and opportunities for businesses worldwide. As companies search for efficient, secure, and global transaction methods, cryptocurrency payment gateways have emerged as a game-changing solution. 

This article delves into the rise of crypto payment processors, their increasing significance in the financial world, and how businesses can best leverage these platforms.

Why Companies are Accepting crypto with Crypto Processing Gateways

Crypto payment processors, often referred to as cryptocurrency payment gateways or crypto payment platforms, are services that facilitate the acceptance of cryptocurrencies as a form of payment. Just as traditional payment processors and gateways facilitate transactions made with fiat currencies (like the US Dollar, Euro, etc.), crypto payment processors enable businesses to accept digital assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many others.

In observing their prominence in today’s financial market – one would surely query the popularity of Bitcoin processing gateways. The truth is, cryptocurrencies are making waves as a trustworthy and swift transaction method. Specifically, online gaming platforms and casinos are gravitating towards crypto for several reasons:

  • Swift Settlements: Ensure timely payments sidestepping traditional banking lags.
  • Economical Fees: Cryptos typically come with reduced fees, translating to cost savings.
  • Universal Accessibility: Accept payments globally, expanding potential markets.
  • Fortified Security: Built on the robust blockchain framework, cryptos bolster defences against unauthorised dealings.

“There are many providers on the market, so which one is the best cryptocurrency payments provider?” 

The most popular crypto processing gateway on the market is, of course,, which experiences the highest transaction volume amongst its competitors, while allowing its merchants to cut fees by up to 80%. 

Cryptocurrency Visa / Mastercard Alternative payment methods (APM)
Transaction fee Below 1% From 3% From 2%
Chargebacks No Yes No
Rolling reserve No Yes +/-
Success rate 100% 70% – 95% 60%


How to Smoothly Incorporate Cryptocurrency Payments into Your Enterprise

When considering the journey of accepting cryptocurrency, there are primarily two routes to consider. You could opt for the hands-on DIY method, creating a comprehensive crypto-based platform. While this provides complete control, it’s time-consuming, potentially costly, and complex. 

On the flip side, partnering with established crypto gateway services can be a game-changer. For instance, by aligning with trusted services such as CoinsPaid’s CryptoProcessing, businesses can effortlessly embrace cryptocurrency without the complications of developing a specialised division.

Being awarded as the Top Cryptocurrency Service of 2023 by EGR B2B Awards, CryptoProcessing by CoinsPaid equips businesses to smoothly and legally welcome cryptocurrency transactions. They present diverse payment options suitable for various business strategies, ranging from invoices and payment links to distinct channels.

What’s more, there’s no requisite for businesses to hold onto the cryptocurrency. swiftly converts digital assets into traditional currency, ready for bank withdrawal.

One standout feature of this platform is its clarity. There are zero concealed charges, and setting up is entirely cost-free. Only transaction processing incurs a fee.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for integrating CryptoProcessing by CoinsPaid:

  • Initiate a request on their online portal.
  • Expect a prompt email response within a few minutes, suggesting a discussion.
  • An expert walks you through the platform, addressing any queries.
  • Tailored to your business requirements and transactional preferences, crafts a custom proposal.
  • Submit the requisite KYB documents to finalise the partnership agreement.
  • A dedicated representative assists with the entire setup procedure.
  • Start welcoming cryptocurrency payments from your clientele.

Given the diverse needs of businesses, the integration process is adaptable. Whether it’s direct currency conversion for businesses wary of holding cryptocurrencies or devising specific channels for industries like iGaming, they offer a bespoke solution for every enterprise.

Final thoughts

The integration of crypto payment gateways offers businesses an array of benefits, from reduced transaction fees to enhanced global reach and fortified security. By understanding and harnessing the potential of Bitcoin processors, enterprises can position themselves at the cutting edge of financial innovation. In this dynamic era of technological progress, staying ahead requires adaptability, and for businesses worldwide, embracing cryptocurrency payment gateways is a significant stride towards future readiness.

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