Power Ledger Prezzo

$ 0.299 -1.95%
EUR 0.276( -1.89% )
BTC 0.00000442( -0.11% )
Capitalizzazione di Mercato
$ 121.14 M
Basso - Alto [24H]
$ 0.299 - $ 0.300
Vol [24H]
$ 1.03 M
Cur - Fornitura massima
404.85 M - 1.00 B
10 0

Power Ledger Grafico Prezzo oggi & Storia:

Power Ledger (POWR) is a utility token on the Power Ledger Platform. The token will be used to purchase electricity tokens on the Power Ledger platform. This is a platform that seeks to bring about a blockchain energy solution to the people all over the world. It seeks to give individuals and companies access to low cost, reliable and clean energy. It will operate on a dual token ecosystem with POWR and Sparkz blockchain layers. Using POWR and Sparkz tokens, the energy trading platform willShow more [+]
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Chaikin A/D Oscillator (3, 10)
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EMA (20)
SMA (30)
EMA (30)
SMA (50)
EMA (50)
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EMA (100)
SMA (200)
EMA (200)
ATH (giorni fa, %% verso il basso)
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ROI 3mo
ROI 6mo
ROI 12mo
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Rapporto di Sharpe 6mo
Rapporto di Sharpe 12mo
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Power Ledger (POWR) News
Mostra di più
Il flusso di denaro da/verso Power Ledger nelle ultime 24 ore
Power Ledger prezzo per scambio
$ 1,676
$ 0.150
$ 0
₩ 418.50
$ 1,676
฿ 0.00000445
$ 11K
$ 0.299
$ 7,050
฿ 0.00000442
$ 3,602
ETH 0.00007890
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
₹ 30.99
$ 0
$ 0.300
$ 0
฿ 0.00000444
$ 3,242
$ 0.300
$ 3,242
USDT 0.299
- esclusi dalle aggregazioni
POWR prezzo per valuta
$ 0
₩ 418.30
$ 0
₩ 418.50
$ 8,483
฿ 0.00000442
$ 7,050
฿ 0.00000442
$ 1,676
฿ 0.00000445
$ 0
฿ 0.00000444
$ 3,602
ETH 0.00007888
$ 3,602
ETH 0.00007890
$ 3,242
USDT 0.300
$ 3,242
USDT 0.299
$ 0
₹ 30.99
$ 0
₹ 30.99
- esclusi dalle aggregazioni