Categories: Trading software

1K Daily Profit – Will This Software Help You To Make Profits? RESULTS REVEALED

Recessions, or economic downturns, are a source of frustration for 99% of investors all around the world. They watch as their hard-earned money literally disappears into thin air. But for the elite 1% of investors, it is a different story altogether. From leveraging their equities to taking advantage of defaults, the crème de la crème of investors is not only able to stay afloat during economic busts, but they also manage to realize even much bigger returns compared to boom cycles. But what does the 1% know that the rest of the investors do not even understand?

The recession provides the volatility required to create lucrative intraday trading opportunities, as well as the unique opportunity of literally making a killing in profits when it is over. This is what the 1K Daily Profit trading software is all about. It is software designed to take full advantage of the money-spinning trading opportunities that are, ironically, created when the economy tanks. Based on the trading system utilized by investors such as Warren Buffet and global hedge funds, such as Goldman Sachs, 1K Daily Profit provides numerous intraday trading signals that have an incredible success rate of over 99%. The signals are ideal for trading in the online trading space where traders have the chance to make profits within a quick turnaround time.And just as the name goes, 1K Daily Profits has been proven to guarantee profits of at least $1,000 per day for its investors. If that is an amount that interests you, then this comprehensive review is for you. Like you, we took all the claims presented by the developers of 1K Daily Profit with a huge pinch of salt.

That is why we took it upon ourselves, at Trustedbrokerz, to test the free (yes, FREE) software on the recommended reputable brokers. Seeing is believing; and below, you can read about our detailed findings.

What is 1K Daily Profit?

1K Daily Profit is the creation of John Becker, a well-known financial technology entrepreneur who has extensive experience developing automated trading solutions for the world’s top quantitative trading hedge funds. 1K Daily Profit is a software Becker developed to exclusively help a limited number of retail traders to not only get a glimpse of the opportunities that the financial markets offer, but also to join in on the party.

As mentioned earlier, 1K Daily Profit is intended for fashioning out lucrative and high probability trading opportunities during uncertain economic times. It incorporates both technical and fundamental algorithms that identify high quality chart patterns that are in tandem with latest news releases. During recession periods, markets are news sensitive and the 1K Daily Profit will ensure you get into the markets at optimal technical price points so you can gain maximum profits with the least capital risk possible. 1K Daily Profit also delivers trading signals round the clock. Money never sleeps, and this software ensures your profits don’t either.

By employing the VPS (Virtual Private Server) technology, trades will continue to be executed on your trading account whether you are present or not. In fact, you do not need to be around the computer to trade; you literally do not even need your computer altogether. VPS ensures that trading is executed in real time as the signals are generated, so you never lose a single dime in profits when a trade opportunity arises.

Like every automated strategy, the main idea is to optimally execute a working trading strategy. There is an option for manual trading, but automated trading guarantees that there is no subjective bias or emotions involved when trading your favourite assets. You are essentially executing a strategy in ‘perfect’ mode, with no emotions or other subjective inhibitions involved.

And with 1K Daily Profit, you are trading ‘toe to toe’ with the likes of billionaire Warren Buffet and other top hedge funds.

How does the 1K Daily Profit Work?


The 1K Daily Profit software incorporates both technical and fundamental strategies. Because recession markets react strongly to economic news releases, the 1K Daily Profit tracks all the numerous scheduled economic events and analyses its potential impact using its integrated AI (Artificial Intelligence). The software then seeks to identify quality entry price points using advanced technical analysis techniques and price action. Recession markets fall strongly than retrace upwards, and the 1K Daily Profit will trade bigger position sizes when sell trade signals are generated. Contrarian buy positions will also be traded, but with smaller stakes so as to limit risk exposure. Ultimately, trade priority will be given to volatile tradable assets whose price movements will provide multiple trading opportunities throughout all trading sessions.

Trade Execution

A trade idea is only as good as it is executed. 1K Daily Profit offers two execution modes that will serve the different needs of different traders: automatic and manual. Automatic execution is the most recommended mode, where the software generates trading signals and synchronously executes the trade signals in your trading account. There is absolutely no human intervention required, and with VPS available, you do not even need to have your computer open to make money.

The major benefit of automatic execution as well is that you will not miss any high-quality tradable opportunity in the financial markets. In manual execution mode, 1K Daily Profit generates trading signals, but the trader is prompted to either execute or cancel the trade suggestion.  This is the most preferred mode for experienced traders who wish to leverage the benefits of the incredible software, but also retain some degree of control of their trading account.

Eliminate Subjective Trading

In financial markets, developing a trading strategy is usually not the hardest thing to do. That honor goes to sticking religiously to a strategy. A profitable strategy can easily be ruined by a trader’s subjective factors such as greed, fear, overconfidence, or even directional bias.

Overall, emotions are the biggest hindrance to efficient strategy application in the markets. With 1K Daily Profit, emotions are eliminated completely from your trading activity.With real time execution as well, it means that 1K Daily profit users are trading the purest form of an elite trading strategy. It is why the software is able to achieve the incredible success rate of over 99%.

1K Daily Profit Demo Account Test

Like any trustworthy software, 1K Daily Profit comes with a free trial period. All users can live test the performance of the software on a demo account that simulates the real time price action of the live options market. In this way, users can accurately evaluate whether the software can meet their trading needs before committing for the long haul.

Trying out the software can also help traders to understand the software interface’s idiosyncrasies so as to take full advantage of it when trading with real money. 1K Daily Profit is also only available on selected reputable brokerage firms. Trying the software out on a demo account also helps traders familiarize themselves with the different features on the underlying brokers’ platforms.  You can also decide which of automated or manual execution modes will serve you well with your preferred broker. To top it off, 1K Daily Profit has partnered with top, reliable brokers in the industry so that as soon as you sign up, you will gain direct access to these brokers who will give you access to the trading platform.These brokers also offer secure banking options for deposits and withdrawals, access to an education centre, trading tools and professional customer service.

Why Trade with 1K Daily Profit?

Here is why the 1K Daily Profit is the right software to help you implement the right strategy when trading options online:

Auto-Trade Functionality

1K Daily Profit allows for perfect execution of an automated options trading strategy. A trade idea is executed as soon as it is generated, which ensures that you do not leave any profits on the table, literally. Still, if you prefer to make or manage your own trades, just activate the manual trading option available on the 1K Daily Profit user interface.

High Success Rate

By using the same strategy applied by billionaire investors and global high frequency trading hedge funds, the 1K Daily Profit has managed to achieve a near perfect success rate in excess of 99%. Nothing is guaranteed in the financial markets, but such a high success rate is an assurance that you will indeed make high daily profits using the 1K Daily Profit software.

High Customization

The whole essence of using automated trading software is to eliminate human emotions, save time, and of course, enhance profitability. But it is not entirely leaving your trading activity entirely to a trading robot. The high customization capabilities of the 1K Daily Profit ensures that you are firmly in control of your trading activities as well as your profits. Besides the ability to toggle between automatic and manual trade execution, 1K Daily Profit users can also select the assets to trade, the preferred trading times, as well as the trade amount to stake in one position.

Unlike other trading software, 1K Daily Profit has ensured that the trader is not entirely eliminated from the trading decision loop. It is your money, and you truly deserve to be in charge.

Multiple Platforms Supported

1K Daily Profit can be used on multiple brokerage firms. When you register to use the software, you will be recommended a variety of different brokers that are all highly reputable, trustworthy and very professional. In options, choosing a broker is an important decision because you are essentially choosing a partner for your trading activities. The right partner will provide the right environment for you to realise trading success. 1K Daily Profit has done the hard work for you, and you will be able to select one platform from a choice of top-quality brokerage firms.

You can even select multiple brokers if you wish.

High Amount of Signals

The strategy employed by 1K Daily Profit ensures that multiple signals are generated on a daily basis. A high number of accurate signals on a daily basis implies that you have numerous lucrative opportunities to exploit for profit. Whether you wish to trade the software manually or automatically, there will be no shortage of high-quality trading signals generated on a daily basis.

High Returns

As per its name, 1K Daily Profit guarantees its customers that its trading signals will be able to earn them profits of at least $1,000 per day. While this is not the cold, hard cash associated with the high and mighty in financial circles, it is an incredible return for retail investors who have minimal starting capital. Most retail traders usually start trading with a capital amount of around $250 and achieving profits of at least $1,000 daily is really something.

Customer Support

All customers that sign up with 1K Daily Profit are automatically enlisted into John Becker’s inner circle. All members of the inner circle receive round-the-clock customer support, with a dedicated manager available to address any inquiries they may have.

Member-only NewsletterThere is a members-only newsletter for all customers that sign up with 1K Daily Profit. The newsletter has market insights and commentaries from industry insiders, as well as quick trading tips and strategies with a limited timeline that can help traders boost their trading profits even further.

VIP Members Area

All members that sign up with 1K Daily Profit also automatically join an exclusive invite-only trading community where they get to share trading tips, success stories, as well as other investment opportunities.

Demo Account

All the recommended brokers that support 1K Daily Profit also offer free, unlimited demo accounts. It is possible to try out the software on a demo account that is funded with virtual funds but mimics the exact price action of the live options market. The option of trying out 1K Daily Profit is invaluable to traders, because it provides the risk-free opportunity to determine whether the software will help you realise your trading goals and aspirations.

Can you make money with 1K Daily Profit?

Yes, you can make a lot of money with 1K Daily Profit. Our live test with the software yielded a profit of $9,200 in just 8 trading days, and there are numerous testimonials on their site of traders who posted even bigger profits. A major reason why the 1K Daily Profit is able to guarantee profitability is the integrated VPS function which eliminates the major risk associated with automated trading strategies – system failure.

Most automated strategies will not experience good performance when internet connection is low. This is because a trade signal may not end up being executed. When a trade signal is generated by 1K Daily Profit, it will be executed in the market whether there is internet connection or not. 1K Daily Profit may have a fool proof strategy, but it is also very important to apply some useful tips so as to maximize profitability and reduce your overall risk exposure even further. Here is what to do:

  • Choose the Right Trading Parameters:
    As mentioned above, 1K Daily Profit is highly customisable. From the assets to trade and the minimum stake amount, to frequency of trading and the mode of trade execution, 1K Daily Profit gives you the chance to set trading parameters that will align with your risk appetite and your ultimate trading goals.
  • Use a Demo Account:
    A demo account is an effective tool to help you get the most out of automated trading. Aside from the initial trial stage, you can use a demo account to try out different settings of the 1K Daily Profit software. This will help you determine the right strategy to apply on the different market conditions so as to enhance your profitability.
  • Start Small:
    When trading with high success rate software such as 1K Daily Profit, the temptation is always to go big at once and become an overnight millionaire. But John Becker is very clear that his software will not make you an overnight success but will instead deliver consistent profits of at least $1,000 daily. Start small with reasonable profit targets, and with patience and consistency, you will eventually end up a millionaire.

Results and Testimonials

As part of delivering a credible review of the software, we conducted a thorough investigation on the results and testimonials of users who have traded with the software. The developer himself, John Becker, showed live trading results when the software was in action and he was able to make over $1,500 in just 7 trading hours.

Amazingly, this was on a deposit of only $250. On our part, we were able to make $9,200 in 8 trading days. There are also a couple of other credible testimonials on their website with most of them making an average of just over $1,000 a day. We took it upon ourselves to verify the authenticity of the testimonials, and we can independently verify that they were indeed real results from real individuals who had utilized the software to trade in the online financial markets.

Is it the Right Time to Trade with the 1K Daily Profit Software?

The 1K Daily Profit software is designed to identify high quality trading opportunities in all market conditions, but specifically, during recession times. It would therefore be prudent to ask are we in a recession yet? Or are we entering one?

One of the major predictors of an economic recession has always been an inverted yield curve. An inverted yield curve occurs when shorter duration treasuries edge higher than longer duration treasuries. On paper, that means that investors are compensated more for loaning the government in the short term rather than in the long term. This is clearly an abnormal situation that has always reliably predicted a recession in the past. Of particular interest has always been the US 2-year note versus the 10-year note whose inversion has been a reliable, although early, predictor of a recession. In a layman observation, investors are really saying that the economy would be better in 2 years than in 10 years.

The 2-year note ticked higher than the 10-year note in March 2020, triggering the dreaded inversion. Statistically, the inversion has predicted the last 5 recessions, and when we go back in time, it has predicted 7 of the last 9 recession after World War II. With major indicators pointing to a looming, even unavoidable, recession, it seems like the perfect storm for the 1K Daily Profit has just occurred. The software is aptly designed to take full advantage of the unique opportunities that arise during recession times. During recession, there are also other asset classes like cryptocurrencies and precious metals that take prominence and the 1K Daily Profit was created for such moments.

The 1K Daily Profit is suitable for all market conditions, but the current economic events have set up nicely for traders to experience the full power of the revolutionary software.

Getting Started with 1K Daily Profit

It is simple and straightforward to start trading with the 1K Daily Profit software. Here is a step by step guide:

  1. Registration –

    Register on the 1K Daily Profit official site here. You will be required to provide just your name and email address. An automated email address will be sent to you to confirm your details and also provide you your login credentials for the software.

  2. Choose Platform –

    As mentioned earlier, you will have a choice of highly reputable brokerage firms to select from. Choose a platform that suits your trading needs, which can vary depending on your location, available trading times, or even preferred tradable assets.

  3. Deposit and Trade –

    The 1K Daily Profit software is free, but you will need to deposit funds into your brokerage account as your initial capital to begin trading with. With most brokers, you can start trading from as low as $250. Activate the 1K Daily Profit now and watch your account grow!

Final Word – Is the 1K Daily Profit Software Legit or a Scam?

The 1K Daily Profit is an ingenious software developed by one the top names in the financial world. Its unique algorithms allow it to identify lucrative trading opportunities in times where most traders watch their investments get wiped away. With verified results and real testimonials, the 1K Daily Profit offers retail investors the rare chance to not only weather the looming storms in the financial market, but to literally surf away in huge profits.

Overall Rating 9/10


Is 1K Daily Profit Legit?

Yes, 1K Daily Profit is legit. We tested the software ourselves and achieved a profit of $9,200 in just 8 trading days. Also, we verified that the testimonials on their site are real.

How much does 1K Daily Profit cost?

Zero. 1K Daily Profit is free. You will only need to deposit funds into one of the platforms that support its use. This money is your trading capital and it allows you to take advantage of the trading signals generated by the software. This money is yours and can be withdrawn, with your profits, at any time, hassle-free.

How much should I expect to make with 1K Daily Profit?

From our experience and that of other users, you can expect a minimum of $1,000 daily. There is, however, no maximum limit on the amount you can make with 1K Daily Profit.

Are there any other fees?

No hidden fees, commissions, or even upsells. Sign up today and become a lifetime member.

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