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How and Where to Buy Stakenet [XSN] An Easy Step by Step Guide

Stakenet is an open-source platform for decentralized apps (dApps) that is Lightning Network-ready and has its own money, XSN. It promises to be the first Lightning Network-ready blockchain with Masternodes. 

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About Stakenet

Stakenet is a Proof of Stake blockchain that provides the blockchain economy with a completely decentralized, highly secure, and profit-driven interchain network. It is supported by its own network of Masternodes and Lightning Network nodes, and is powered by its own coin, XSN. Stakenet can process up to 240 on-chain transactions per second and has a one-second confirmation time. It is based on a 1-4 megabyte block size and a 60-second block creation time. Additionally, by utilizing the Lightning Network, the Stakenet blockchain may scale indefinitely off-chain with virtually no transaction fees.

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What is Stakenet [XSN]?

XSN is a cutting-edge cryptocurrency that enables for peer-to-peer payment. Because XSN is open, permissionless, decentralised, trustless, censorship-resistant, immutable, smart, interoperable, fungible, safe, and has a set emission rate, it is money with unique qualities not obtainable by any central bank issued currency. As a result, it is a medium of exchange that is utilised for real-world transactions on a worldwide scale, including those that occur within the Stakenet ecosystem. Each service that generates fees must be paid in XSN in some form; in some circumstances, consumers will be unaware that they have paid in XSN because it will all be handled in the background by Lightning Swaps. Overall, XSN is the foundation of Stakenet, as everything runs on top of it. It is required for the ecosystem to operate.

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Who Are the Founders of Stakenet [XSN]?

Shahab is the platform manager of Stakenet, a DAO foundation with an interchain economy that is constructing a cross-chain Decentralized Exchange and other Dapps on its Masternode Network.

Shahab, an expert on blockchain architecture and the broader notion of distributed ledgers, first learned about Satoshi’s vision in 2012 when reading the Bitcoin whitepaper. He’s been working with blockchain and decentralised ecosystems since since. He continued to deepen and grow his new enthusiasm by educating and closely following the advances of dissimilar projects after working with interdisciplinary teams and having a strong foundation in manufacturing, sales, technical support, and project management. He invested in many ICOs and served as an advisor to a few teams before joining the Stakenet project.

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What Makes Stakenet Unique?

Stakenet is a modified Bitcoin, Dash, and Peercoin code fork. It has the same core as Bitcoin, but with a better Dash Masternode architecture and a minting Proof of Stake consensus based on Peercoin’s coinage usage.

The validation of newly created blocks of a blockchain is done via consensus in a decentralized digital currency. Simply said, it is a software component that the validator employs to determine whether or not a historical story is true. Stakenet employs a minting Evidence of Stake consensus for this proof, which is supplemented by an offline staking method called Trustless Proof of Stake.

To recommend new blocks, stakers usually need to connect their full-node wallet to the blockchain. Stakenet stakers may validate, move, and safeguard the blockchain using our own consensus upgrade (Trustless Proof of Stake), while their coins remain offline in a cold wallet like Trezor or Ledger Nano. Unlike existing offline staking methods, like Delegated Proof of Stake, our validator nodes are not confined to a few autocratic delegates. Furthermore, unlike a Leasing Proof of Stake scheme, our solution does not allow for older network nodes to gain more influence over time. The staker’s coins and fortune are the only factors that matter.

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Where Can You Buy Stakenet [XSN]?

If you’re looking for a place to purchase Stakenet, the best cryptocurrency exchanges to use right now are WhiteBIT, Bitfinex, and StakeCube. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Buy Stakenet [XSN] With Cash?

No. There is no direct method to purchase XSN using cash. You can, however, utilise markets such as LocalBitcoins to first acquire BTC, and then complete the remainder of the procedures by moving your BTC to the appropriate AltCoin exchangers.

Are there any quick ways to buy Stakenet [XSN] in Europe?

Yes, in reality, Europe is one of the easiest countries to acquire cryptocurrency in general. There are also online banks where you can create an account and send funds to exchanges like Coinbase and Uphold.

On what factors does the price of the Stakenet [XSN] Depend?

Exchange inflows and outflows, technical and fundamental changes, the news cycle, and the overall economic climate are all variables that impact ZI price and market cap.

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